About Canada | Why Choose Canada? | Benefits of Canada | Social Assistance | Statistics
Canada is the second largest country in the world with 10 million square kilometers of land mass. The country has a population of approximately 30 million people. Due to its size, there are many different geographical areas and regions. We divide these into the following: the Atlantic Region, Central Canada, the Prairie Provinces, the West Coast and the North. We divided the country into 10 provinces and 3 territories each with its own capital. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. |
Canada is one the leading member of the G-8 Nations. It is a highly developed country, with excellent working conditions, an outstanding education system, a very high standard of living and health care system ranked one of the best in the world.
Canada is a country composed of immigrants from practically every country in the world. Canada's success is largely due to the contributions made by these immigrants. Each year, Canada welcomes more than 225,000 new immigrants. The diversified backgrounds and cultures are what makes Canada unique. Multiculturalism is promoted to help maintain this unique "melting pot".
No matter where you come from, once you are a landed immigrant you have all the rights of a Canadian citizen. These rights are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Should you wish to become a citizen, you can do so after you have lived in Canada for three years. As a Canadian citizen, you can apply for a Canadian passport and you are eligible to vote.
The best country in the world to live in: The united nation has rated Canada as the best country in the world to live in, for seven consecutive years. In 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and, again in 2000, Canada was ranked number one (1) by the United Nations human development index as the best country in the world to live. Their surveys are based on quality of life, educational opportunities, unemployment, crime rates, and life expectancy.
Quality of life in Canada is extremely high. Canada provides a comfortable standard of living, good health care, social security, public education, low crime rates, a stable and growing economy, and a clean environment.
Canada is a free and democratic society. The Canadian constitution, called the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, guarantees everyone the rights to equality, mobility freedom of speech, assembly and association.
People around the world consider Canada a generous, peaceful and compassionate nation. Canadians are viewed as honest, friendly and polite. A 1997 survey of people in 20 countries found that the majority placed Canada in the top list of countries where they would like to live.
Beautiful country
As the second largest country in the world, Canada is a land of great beauty. With its Atlantic and pacific coasts, vast forests, mountain ranges, lakes and vast prairies, Canada is rich in its natural resources. Canada contains 38 national parks, 1000 provincial parks and approximately 50 territorial parks.
Enjoy Life in Canada
A top ranking country among the G-8 Nations, Canada offers unlimited potential and opportunity, with the highest standard of living, Canada is one of the richest countries in the world.
Land of Opportunity
Canada is a land of opportunity. Immigration is the foundation for economic growth. Canada brings people from all over from world, these people also bring their customs, traditions, ritual and culture which makes Canada world's best multicultural country to live in.