Canada | Why
Choose Canada? | Benefits
of Canada | Social
Assistance | Statistics
1. Canada Rated the BEST place so
Every year since 1994, the United Nations has rated
Canada as the best country in the world to live in. |
2. Prosperity in Canada
The economy is BOOMING! A fast growing, modern, industrial
nation, Canada offers unlimited potential and opportunity.
With the highest standard of living, Canada is one of the
richest countries and keeps getting better.
3. The Good Life
Canadians enjoy one of the highest qualities of life in the
world. The clean environment makes for clean living.
4. Growing job Market
At 6.8%, Canada's unemployment rate is at its lowest since
1976, with hundreds of thousands of new jobs created each
year. Canadians earn an average annual income of approximately
5. Low Tax and inflation
Consistently decreasing taxes and a 2.3% inflation rate make
for a resilient economy, and Canadians are taking home more
each year. This is like giving the whole country a BIG RAISE!
6. Business and Industry
Unlimited opportunities for development exist in the natural
resources, manufacturing, construction, import/export, commerce,
high-tech and service industries.
7. Top Quality Education
Offering free primary and secondary education and subsidized
post-secondary studies, Canada spends more on education than
any industrialized nation. Canadian universities and colleges
have excellent international reputation for high quality.
8. Health and Welfare
Canadians have access to social assistance programs, affordable
housing, FREE HEALTHCARE and a strong government that helps
its people.
9. Safe and Secure
Community policing, strict gun control laws and a fair justice
system makes Canada a safe and secure country for everyone.
Crime rates are among the lowest in the world and continue
to decline.
10. Multiculturalism
Canada encourages immigrants to retain their unique culture.
Nowhere else is there such a diversity of cultures existing
together in a tolerant, peaceful society.