About Canada | Why Choose Canada? | Benefits of Canada | Social Assistance | Statistics
Canada has one of the world's best health systems. Every
citizen and permanent resident is covered by insurance
plan of the province he/she lives in. This health plan
is funded by tax measures and provides the world's best
quality essential health services including doctors' fee
and hospital charges. |
of Education
Canada offers free primary and secondary education and subsidized post-secondary studies. Every child must attend school until the age of 16-17 years. 95% of the children go to the public schools, which are free. The provinces pay for the education. Canada spends more on education than any industrialized nation.
Social Services
Canada is a welfare state. This means that the government takes care of its citizen's basic social services.
Business and Industry
At 6.8%, Canada's unemployment rate is the lowest it's been since 1976, with hundreds of thousands of new jobs created each year.
Low tax in the Corporate Sector among all G-8 countries
Unlimited opportunities for development exist in the natural resources, manufacturing, construction, import/export, commerce, high-tech and service industries. Access to the United States and Mexico markets on the NAFTA agreement.
Canada encourages immigrants to retain their unique culture. Nowhere else is there such a diversity of cultures existing together in a highly tolerant and peaceful society.
The Justice System
The crime rates in Canada are among the lowest in the world, and continue to decline. As a citizen or a landed immigrant, you have equal access to the justice system. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee every resident fundamental freedoms, legal rights and equality under the law.