About Group | Why
Choose Canadian Immigration Group | How
We Can Help | Lawyers
vs. Consultants | Our
Every person is unique, and every set of circumstances varied. We charge fairly based on the individual facts, the urgency and complexity of each situation, and the anticipated time and skill required to achieve your goals. |
We structure fees in advance in a flexible manner. Instead of burdening our clients with the "clock-is-always-running" notion, our fees are often made - by installments - on a full-service, fixed-fee basis. We want you to be absolutely certain in advance of the actual costs involved, with the assurance of all the personal attention you need for your individual case.
We have established a money-back guarantee because we are so confident of our ability to obtain Permanent Residency visas for our clients. If your application is rejected for any reason other than Canadian health requirements or security standards, Canadian Immigration Group will forego all fee payable to them and fully assume all incurred administrative costs related to the preparation and filing of your application. This includes communication expenses, administrative costs, and legal or professional services.
By careful scrutiny of each individuals case prior to acceptance, and ensuring each application is completed in accordance to Government formats and requirements. Our track record speaks for itself in terms of our success. Over the past several years, Canadian Immigration Group has processed thousands of applications under the Independent Skilled Worker Program. Under this program, Canadian Immigration Group success rate is over 96%. Under the three classifications of the business program our approval rate is 99%.